Deliveries between 9.00am to 4.00pm Tuesday to Friday

Sir Loin....was this tasty beef roast really knighted?

by Paul Hillman June 26, 2015

Sir Loin....was this tasty beef roast really knighted?

It was said that King Charles the Second of England after returning from a royal hunt in the forest surrounding Friday Hall was particularly hungry. Upon seeing a loin of beef, dripping with juices fresh from the ovens, he exclaimed, “A noble joint! By St. George, it shall have a title!”

Thus, the loin became Sir Loin.

While we certainly like the sound of that, the more likely origin of the name is a little duller. The French word ‘surlonge’, which literally means ‘top of the loin’ was probably the source. And since culinary terms were almost always French since the Norman invasion, there’s little doubt about the sirloin’s true lineage.

Paul Hillman
Paul Hillman


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We've been in Taringa for a hundred years...
We've been in Taringa for a hundred years...

by Paul Hillman August 04, 2021

Well.. not really. Although we have a long history in the meat trade, we can't lay claim to being Taringa locals for that long. Unbeknownst to us, on exactly the same site as ourselves ( 209 Moggill Rd, Taringa ), there existed a butcher shop...

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New suburbs added to our delivery areas. Check to see if you've been added.
New suburbs added to our delivery areas. Check to see if you've been added.

by Damien Buckley April 09, 2020

We've added new suburbs to our delivery areas. Check to see if your suburb is on the list or use our post code widget at the top of the page.

We'll be adding more suburbs every week.

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Taringa Opening Times
Taringa Opening Times

by Paul Hillman April 30, 2019

Mon 8am-6pm

Tue 8am-6pm

Wed 8am-6pm

Thu 8am-6pm

Fri 8am-6pm

Sat 7.30am-4.30pm

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